From Photoshop for fun to a college degree — we sat down with our Jr Art Director Jake LaMothe to learn a little more about the method to his madness. And it involves a lot of glue.

3 min readMay 27, 2021


Q: What made you join the ad industry?

A: I started messing around with the Adobe Suite in middle school, mostly just making avatars and banners for small YouTube channels. I loved the fact that I could take the channel’s content and expand on the personality with my designs. As this interest grew and grew, it basically led me to where I am today.

Q: Since you’re fresh to the industry, what’s something different about the “real, working world” hat school/ internships didn’t prepare you for?

A: The biggest difference between the two must be the large amount of real collaboration that goes into projects. Granted, I had plenty of groups and teams throughout my schooling, but none of them demanded the close-knit teamwork I’ve experienced while at my current position.

Q: What’s a professional skill you want to improve on?

A: Speaking in groups, presenting. It’s not my greatest strength, and I think “Zoom culture” is making it even worse. For example, I’m always worried about interrupting people. Which makes me speak up less.

Q: What milestones in your life do you feel have shaped you into who you are?

A: I was one of the first LaMothe’s to graduate college. It’s a big deal. And that gave me the drive to keep up with my passion for design. There were plenty of times I thought I would never be able to fill the gap between my taste and what I’m skilled at. As of now, I think I’m doing a decent job closing that gap.

Q: What’s one piece of advice you were given that’s stuck with you?

A: “Think before you speak.” Yeah, it’s a “dad saying,” but my impulsiveness is something I’ve had to work hard on. I’m happy someone, whoever it was, put this into my head at a young age.

Q: What’s your favorite thing you’ve created, advertising or otherwise?

A: Just this year, I started putting together hand-made collages. I’ve never really had a stronger connection to my work than with these. Most of it has to do with being able to say whatever I want, and have that in a physical form where I can’t just click “Delete” (something I do far too often in design).

Q: What’s a skill or hobby not everyone knows you do?

A: I played hockey my entire life but stopped when I went away to school. I still skate here and there; it’s something I miss dearly from my youth.

Q: What makes you feel inspired? Is it a person, place, thing?

A: Archives! I absolutely adore looking through archives — whether it be archeological, graphical, or just useless information. Anything put together into a timestamped collection I can quickly flip through to fill my brain with imagery.

Q: What’s something you’re really bad at?

A: Keeping track of my stuff. I am constantly misplacing my keys, wallet, Air Pods… you name it, I lose it. It has something to do with my attention-span, and quite frankly, I can’t help it!

Q: What’s a trend right now you hope ends?

A: Minimalism. When I first started getting into the design world, I was enamored by the simplicity of modern logos and their form. Nowadays, I love heritage brands and that slightly “over-designed” feel. I’m sure this is probably just a phase for me, but look up the original Starbucks logo and tell me that isn’t way cool.




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